Debut Author Kath Reade Stunned by International Success!

When most people are happy to take it easy in retirement, former East Lancashire NHS Chair and Burnley Council Leader Kath Reade was inspired to share her travel adventures.

Kath’s travel diaries were written to inspire and bring joy to readers in these troubled times. ‘With so much bad news I was inspired to write this book to bring some joy and lighten the heavy burden people are carrying in their hearts,’ Kath said.

Kath Reade’s bestselling debut travelogue Jumping Over My Shadow takes the reader on big road trips across the USA, island hopping in the Hebrides, pub crawling along the wild Atlantic coast of Ireland, north to Scotland, off to Paris, Florence and Italy and trekking in South Africa. The descriptions are detailed, the anecdotes charming and at times hilarious.

Kath’s book, ‘Jumping Over My Shadow -The Travel Diaries of Kath Reade’, was released on World Book Day and has become an international #1 bestseller in the UK, Canada and Australia and is currently #12 in the USA. Kath told us: ‘I am stunned. I feel like a rabbit in the headlights. The early success of my first book has completely taken me by surprise.’

You can buy Kath’s top best seller on Amazon, on Kindle or paperback. Kath is available for interviews, speaking to groups, book readings, and book signings to bring some joy and smiles.